Manufacturers of activated carbon
Welcome to Eurocarb, the European subsidiary of Haycarb PLC. Manufacturers and suppliers of specialist Activated Carbons with a comprehensive range of quality products.
We provide flexible product and delivery options for standard and impregnated Activated Carbon grades to any destination in Europe.
Activated carbon: a full selection
We offer the full range of Haycarb products, as well as a range of complementary products either made by ourselves or sourced from other strategic partners. In addition to coconut based carbons we also offer wood and coal based products and products specially blended or impregnated in our own facility in Bristol.

Coconut shell based activated carbon
Eurocarb’s granular Coconut Shell Activated Carbon products are used across an incredibly wide range of applications. Various mesh sizes and activity levels are employed in both liquid and gas applications

Coal based activated carbon
Our Coal Activated Carbons are used extensively across the air and water treatment industry as a cost-effective method for the removal of specific contaminants

Wood based activated carbon
Our wood based carbons are made by steam activation, or by chemical activation, usually using zinc chloride or phosphoric acid depending in the final desired product properties

Felt activated carbon
Our high performance felt is a directly activated non-woven fibre with high surface area and good purity. Its flexibility allows it to be incorporated into a wide range of textiles and filter configurations
Activated carbon is present in a wide range of industries and therefore used in various applications: from air and water treatment to more specialised processes where activated carbon is found as the best solution. Here you will find some of the applications and our products.
Green carbon
Traditional charcoal manufacturing methods are far from environmentally friendly, since the process itself releases large quantities of volatile organic gases into the atmosphere, including methane, which is a particularly potent greenhouse gas. Haycarb – our parent company – has therefore developed their own industrial charcoaling operation at the Badalgama site in Sri Lanka. Winning the prestigious National Science and Technology Award for Eco-friendly processes in 2007, the Recogen business now produces more than 25% of Haycarb’s charcoal needs.