I am pleased to advise that Eurocarb Products Ltd has now completed the initial process of REACH registration for Activated Carbon.
The REACH regulations (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals) came into force on 1st June 2007. They require the registration of all chemicals imported into or manufactured in the European Union.
In order to achieve registration, it was necessary to create a large dossier of technical and safety information, to allow correct classification of Activated Carbon and identify safe uses, impurity levels and any hazards. The industry group Activated Carbon industry Producers Association (ACPA) cooperated in this work, forming a consortium during 2009 to coordinate all the necessary testing and data gathering. Eurocarb Products Ltd has participated in the technical and steering committees of this group.
During the research, it was found that activated carbon would actually have to be divided into two substances, owing to some significant differences in basic properties. These two substances are:
AC-HDS: High skeletal density carbon, produced by steam activation. AC-LDS: Low skeletal density carbon, produced by chemical activation.
Further information can be found at Reach Activated Carbon.
For substances manufactured or imported in quantities greater than 1000 tonnes annually, the deadline for registration is 1st December 2010. If registration is not completed, further manufacturing or trading is not permitted. For substances in quantities from 100 to 1000 tonnes, the deadline for registration is 1st June 2013.
Nearly all of Eurocarb’s products at present fall into the AC-HDS (steam activated) category, nevertheless we have decided to register both substances from the start in order to ensure clarity for all of our customers.
Our registration numbers are:
• 01-2119488894-16-0010 for AC-HDS • 01-2119488716-22-0005 for AC-LDS
The REACH Process does not stop here. The dossier must be kept up to date and to this end the consortium will organise further testing to check respiratory exposure outcomes and other requirements during 2011. In addition, we will be updating our MHSDS sheets to comply with the new REACH requirements, and altering packaging information to comply with the new CLP requirements over the next few months.
The REACH regulations impose significant duties and costs on all reputable manufacturers, as well as users of chemicals. So far as Eurocarb is concerned, we are delighted to have achieved our registration in good time so as to give all customers assurance of reliable supply continuity.
Please do not hesitate to contact the team if you have any questions.