IFAT 2014 in Munich, Germany

Keeping our presence in the most global exhibitions and shows as the leading manufacturer of specialist Activated Carbon throughout Europe, we are glad to announce that Eurocarb will be exhibiting at IFAT 2014 in May.

Every show is a great opportunity for us to show our wide range of high quality products and have a closer glance of the market whilst meeting with old customers and new companies to discuss different topics and requirements.

Come to our stand and visit our team in Hall A3, Stand 122!

Quality Supervisor

We are delighted to announce a new addition to our team. Rhys Thomas has joined us in the position of Quality Supervisor, and will manage our laboratory facility and quality system.

With a Masters degree in chemistry from the University of Warwick, he brings considerable scientific expertise to us and will also contribute to our new product development projects as part of the wider Haycarb team.

Aquatech 2013 in Amsterdam

After our successful presence in Filtech (Wiesbaden) we are pleased to announce that this year Eurocarb will also be exhibiting at Aquatech in Amsterdam, a show that gathers experts in the field of Water Treatment.

We will be located in Hall 7 Stand 246 where you will have the opportunity to meet us and discuss with our team any requirements.

Eurocarb Celebrates our 25th Anniversary

Formed in 1986 as the European subsidiary of Haycarb PLC, Eurocarb is pleased to announce our 25th year of successful business.

We marked this occasion with a special celebration aboard the historic SS Great Britain in Bristol where we hosted friends new and old for an update on new changes at Eurocarb and our parent company Haycarb. Senior representatives from both companies led short presentations before entertaining guests, including long-time and new customers along with the original founders of the company at a below decks dinner.

The event was an excellent opportunity to relax and honour those who have helped the company be where it is today.

Eurocarb looks forward to continuing our success as one of Europe’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of Activated Carbon.

Replacement of CTC (Carbon Tetrachloride) Test for Carbon Activity

This is to notify you that, with immediate effect, we are changing our QA clearance test for carbon activity from the CTC test (ref. ASTM D3467-04), to the Butane test (ref. ASTM D5742-95). We will continue to report CTC activity on all relevant documentation, but in future this will be derived from the Butane test by correlation.

This approach has been industry practice for some time since the sale and use of Carbon Tetrachloride and other CFCs has been banned and restricted respectively under the Montreal Protocol, owing to ozone depletion. Eurocarb has held stock of CTC and has continued testing under licence until recently. Our parent company Haycarb, in line with the group’s strong environmental policy, has for many years been operating a CTC recovery system where 99.5% of all CTC used has been recovered and recycled.

Butane is a safe, clean alternative to CTC. The correlation between Butane testing and CTC testing is not linear. Eurocarb has therefore conducted extensive testing for its coconut shell based products over the last 2 years to define the correlation between Butane activity and CTC activity.

Please note that this change will be applied to all of our goods inwards and outwards QA testing but will not affect the products you buy or their specifications in any way.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further clarification.

REACH Announcement

I am pleased to advise that Eurocarb Products Ltd has now completed the initial process of REACH registration for Activated Carbon.

The REACH regulations (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals) came into force on 1st June 2007. They require the registration of all chemicals imported into or manufactured in the European Union.

In order to achieve registration, it was necessary to create a large dossier of technical and safety information, to allow correct classification of Activated Carbon and identify safe uses, impurity levels and any hazards. The industry group Activated Carbon industry Producers Association (ACPA) cooperated in this work, forming a consortium during 2009 to coordinate all the necessary testing and data gathering. Eurocarb Products Ltd has participated in the technical and steering committees of this group.

During the research, it was found that activated carbon would actually have to be divided into two substances, owing to some significant differences in basic properties. These two substances are:

AC-HDS: High skeletal density carbon, produced by steam activation. AC-LDS: Low skeletal density carbon, produced by chemical activation.

Further information can be found at Reach Activated Carbon.

For substances manufactured or imported in quantities greater than 1000 tonnes annually, the deadline for registration is 1st December 2010. If registration is not completed, further manufacturing or trading is not permitted. For substances in quantities from 100 to 1000 tonnes, the deadline for registration is 1st June 2013.

Nearly all of Eurocarb’s products at present fall into the AC-HDS (steam activated) category, nevertheless we have decided to register both substances from the start in order to ensure clarity for all of our customers.

Our registration numbers are:

• 01-2119488894-16-0010 for AC-HDS • 01-2119488716-22-0005 for AC-LDS

The REACH Process does not stop here. The dossier must be kept up to date and to this end the consortium will organise further testing to check respiratory exposure outcomes and other requirements during 2011. In addition, we will be updating our MHSDS sheets to comply with the new REACH requirements, and altering packaging information to comply with the new CLP requirements over the next few months.

The REACH regulations impose significant duties and costs on all reputable manufacturers, as well as users of chemicals. So far as Eurocarb is concerned, we are delighted to have achieved our registration in good time so as to give all customers assurance of reliable supply continuity.

Please do not hesitate to contact the team if you have any questions.