ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance
Some of our ESG strategies are:
Adoption of IFRS Sustainability standards S1 and S2
Ongoing monitoring and reduction of fossil fuel use including diesel, furnace oil, kerosene and gas
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction plan and monitoring of scope 1 and 2 emissions in place
Water consumption monitoring and ongoing reduction plan, including rainwater harvesting at factories
Electricity use initiatives include new solar panel installations on factory roofs-ongoing projects
Installation of drinking water purification systems for villages, eliminating Chronic Kidney Disease in the local population.
CSR in action
The Group has built impactful community partnerships, driving positive change through strategic, long-term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Governed by the Hayleys Group Community Relationships policy, our CSR projects focus on priority areas like education, health, livelihood development, and culture.
Our ESG projects:
Puritas Sath Diyawara plays a significant role in providing purified drinking water to communities affected by chronic kidney disease (CKD). The initiative leverages the strength of the Environmental Engineering Solutions segment’s water purification capabilities and involves setting up a reverse osmosis treatment plant and distribution system to provide purified drinking water to the community.
In partnership with the Wildlife Department of Sri Lanka, Haycarb contribute towards the conservation of endangered sea turtles in Sri Lanka through this sea turtle conservation project at the Kumana National Park.
In efforts to combat climate change, Haycarb Group engages in several tree planting initiatives in Sri Lanka and overseas
As part as Haycarb’s 50th anniversary celebration they continued their CSR initiative by donation school book at Wewalduwa school.