Air Filtration & Odour Removal

The Eurocarb C activated carbons are a specialist range used in the control and adsorption of acid gases. This material is exclusively used in air treatment, commonly used for the removal of strong odours in a variety of field applications. Applications include fume cupboards filters and sewage air treatment.

C range carbons work best in the presence of oxygen and standard humidity. Where there is no oxygen present, please consider our KI range of carbons.

Product Details

In addition to the standard C impregnated grades below, we can customise impregnation levels in order to optimise the product for customer requirements.

  • C – NaOH impregnation (3%)
  • C2 – KOH impregnation (10%)
  • C3 – KOH impregnation (3%)
  • C4 – KOH impregnation (4%)
  • C7 – KOH impregnation (7%)