Replacement of CTC (Carbon Tetrachloride) Test for Carbon Activity
This is to notify you that, with immediate effect, we are changing our QA clearance test for carbon activity from the CTC test (ref. ASTM D3467-04), to the Butane test (ref. ASTM D5742-95). We will continue to report CTC activity on all relevant documentation, but in future this will be derived from the Butane test by correlation.
This approach has been industry practice for some time since the sale and use of Carbon Tetrachloride and other CFCs has been banned and restricted respectively under the Montreal Protocol, owing to ozone depletion. Eurocarb has held stock of CTC and has continued testing under licence until recently. Our parent company Haycarb, in line with the group’s strong environmental policy, has for many years been operating a CTC recovery system where 99.5% of all CTC used has been recovered and recycled.
Butane is a safe, clean alternative to CTC. The correlation between Butane testing and CTC testing is not linear. Eurocarb has therefore conducted extensive testing for its coconut shell based products over the last 2 years to define the correlation between Butane activity and CTC activity.
Please note that this change will be applied to all of our goods inwards and outwards QA testing but will not affect the products you buy or their specifications in any way.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further clarification.